

时间:2024年01月27日 来源:中国文艺网 作者:




  前 言


  栉风沐雨二十载 , 春华秋实满庭芳。由中国文联主办的“今日中国”艺术周于 2004 年创办,逐渐发展壮大成为中国文联对外交流的重要品牌项目。艺术周是中国文联面向国外观众举办的展示中国文化艺术的综合性交流活动,20 年来已先后在五大洲 20 多个国家和地区成功举办,所到之处受到各国政府、当地主流文化机构和我驻外使领馆等各方面的高度重视和大力支持,也得到了民众的热烈欢迎和广泛好评。艺术周主题鲜明,内容丰富,形式多样,涵盖多个艺术门类,通过文艺展演、论坛、影视展映等多种板块,生动展示当代中国开放自信、蓬勃发展的崭新面貌和中国文艺事业发展的最新成果,向世界展现了一个可信、可爱、可敬的中国形象,架起了一座座联通中外的艺术之桥、友谊之桥和心灵之桥,书写了一幅幅文明交流互鉴的多彩画卷,为扩大中华文化国际影响力、推动构建人类命运共同体作出了积极贡献。

  As the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese civilization, China's fine culture and arts serve as a significant window for the world to understand China and a key medium for China to showcase her values and style to the world. In the past decades, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC) has made conscientious endeavors to bring its organizational and professional strength into full play, so that more and more Chinese writers and artists may engage in international exchanges to better tell China's stories and present Chinese culture to the world.

  Inaugurated as early as in 2004, China Today Arts Week (CTAW), mainly sponsored by CFLAC, has gradually developed into a key event of international exchanges. Two decades of efforts have led to its full blossom all over the world. As an annual event of showcasing Chinese culture and arts to audiences in an all-round manner, CTAW has witnessed invariable success in more than 20 countries and regions in the five continents where local governments, principal cultural agencies have provided great support, and local audiences have offered warm welcome and high acclaim for the events. With its distinct themes, abundant contents and multiple formalities across various disciplines of arts, CTAW has managed to deliver the latest production of China's culture and arts as well as the brand-new outlook of nowadays China that features openness, self-confidence and vigorous development. Through such component activities as variety performances, cultural forums, exhibitions, and TV/film shows, CTAW has presented a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable to the international community, built up the bridge of arts that spans cultural differences and cultivates friendship in people's hearts and minds. To our content, CTAW has compiled colorful stories of exchanges and cooperation between China and the world, and made its own contribution to enhancing mutual appreciation between civilizations and ultimately boosting the ideal of building a community of shared future for humankind.






