Culture, the Popular Visiting Card of China and France
Art Exchange VOL.01/2014|By Wu Hua

Up to now, this picture still remains fresh in my memory. One night after the dinner, my parents were absorbed in reading an album in which there was a photo of the Great Wall stretching all along beyond the horizon.” In his book My Father De Gaulle, Philippe de Gaulle records General de Gaulle’s indispensable affections for China. It is this French leader filled with good feelings for China who nurtured the flower of ChinaFrance friendship to blossom all along until today. On January 27th, 1964, Beijing and Paris released the Joint Communiqué of establishing diplomatic relations concurrently: “The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of France jointly decided to establish the diplomatic relations. To this effect, they have agreed to designate Ambassadors within three months.” This declaration with a few words was described as the diplomatic nuclear explosion by the international media at that time. 

In 2014, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France, various commemorative events vie with each other in their excellence. On January 27th, the very day of announcing the establishment of diplomatic relations, “The Insight and Wisdom of Pioneer: Retrospective Exhibition of the 50th Anniversary of China-France Diplomacy” was held in China National Museum. The grand soireé under the theme of “The Night of China” was held in Grand Palace in Paris on the same day. Moreover, the activity of cycling along the silk road of more than thousands miles has been inaugurated before the statue of General de Gaulle on the boulevard of Champs-Elysees, and two French youngsters will cycle to Beijing along the silk road and revive that stretch of history with slight vicissitudes … Chinese and French people indulge themselves in the festive atmosphere filled with merry laughs and songs and jointly celebrate this commemorative moment. 

During the diplomatic course of 50 years between China and France, the word “Culture” passes through all along. In China, the country with the ancient history of more than 5000 years, the ancient streets, oblique lanes and grey stones and tiles pervade the classic sentiments; while in France, everywhere is filled with aromas of liberty, passion and romantic feelings. Between both countries, brand-new cultural vitality bursts out continuously and the cultural exchanges are becoming more and more common communications. 

In November, 2002, China and France signed the agreement to establish cultural center in each other’s country with its specific position. In that month, Chinese Cultural Center in Paris was unveiled. In October, 2004, French Cultural Center was officially opened in Beijing. The setup of cultural center provides the most direct platform for the cultural exchange between two countries. From 2003 to 2005, two countries held the cultural year respectively. During the Chinese Cultural Year held in France, there were more than 300 projects that covered the various fields of culture, arts, education, technology, sports and tourism, which had been very popular with French audiences. Chirac, the then President of France attended in person the important events such as Confucius Cultural Exhibition and Chinese Books Salon. This large-scale cultural exchange held abroad since the founding of New China is acclaimed as the innovation in the history of cultural exchange between China and Europe. While enhancing the cultural exchange between China and France, it introduces more and more Chinese cultural symbols and elements to Europe as well and ushers in the new round of hot wave of cultural exchange between China and Europe. 

In addition, Sino-Franco Cultural Spring comes along with momentum. At the 8th Sino-Franco Cultural Spring that was completed in July, 2013, French artists brought 160 performances and exhibitions of eight categories to 23 Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Kunming. The cultural grand feast with distinctive features greatly impresses upon Chinese and French people and leaves behind the most beautiful memory. Dancing was the important component of 2013 Sino-Franco Cultural Spring and it was classified into the modern dance and classic dance. French choreographer Mourad Merzouki had brought the performance of Yo Gee Ti (organic entity), the combination of oriental and occidental cultures, which held the audiences spellbound for quite a long time. Mourad Merzouki is known by Chinese audiences because of her performance of Solo Dance in 2008. Yo Gee Ti integrates the human, natural and emotional elements into one piece, in which the long woolen vine weaves out a body language known by the world. Its hip hop representation surpasses the simple technical performance, which interprets the implication of the role of modern dance in the best way. Besides the dance, the singing performance was another important link of 2013 Cultural Spring. Two popular European bands Natascha Rogers and Franz Von Chossy Quintet and Chinese popular ballad band Five Men performed on the stage. Other Chinese and foreign bands such as 7color Band, April Shower and Hawaii Girls presented visual grand feasts to Chinese audiences as well. 

The cultural exchange between China and France is the in-depth conversation between two countries with different levels of economic developments and ideologies. As a soft power, culture binds two countries tightly. The sense of identification and belonging for the long history and brilliant civilization of the counterpart country, the passion for life, the pursuit of arts and the expectations for the lights of civilization enable two countries to amass the greatly social popularity and lay a solid cultural foundation through this exchange. From the soul-stirring symphony, the light-hearted ballet performance to the film show with the artistic features, from the classic sculptures and fine arts exhibitions with artists’ unique characteristics to the avantgarde modern art, French art elements gradually enter into the daily life of Chinese through the unique platform of China-France cultural exchange. People of two countries indulge themselves into the foreign art atmosphere and learn from each other in order to absorb the useful elements from the counterpart’s culture. Culture has become the popular visiting card between China and France.  

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